New Life, New Hospital

This was originally published on听NewYork-Presbyterian - Health Matters.

When a mom-to-be experiences the first signs of labor, the anticipation and adrenaline that comes with almost meeting your baby is palpable.听

But when Julianne Kanter鈥攚ho was just over 36 weeks pregnant with twins鈥攔ealized her water broke at 5:30 a.m. on Aug. 2, she crossed her fingers that her babies could hold out a little longer before making their grand entrance. That鈥檚 because Julianne and her husband, Jason, were hoping to welcome their new little ones at the听NewYork-Presbyterian Alexandra Cohen Hospital for Women and Newborns, which was scheduled to open its doors for the first time later that morning.听

鈥淲e were moving slowly in hopes to stretch out the time,鈥 jokes Julianne. 鈥淲e set a timer to when the hospital was going to open because we really wanted to deliver there!鈥

By the time the听Kanters听checked into听NewYork-Presbyterian at 6:30 a.m., Dr. Allison Boester, FACOG, an assistant attending obstetrician and gynecologist at听NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and Julianne鈥檚 doctor, was ready to go at the new facility. 鈥淥ur doors are open, let鈥檚 do it!鈥 she told Julianne.

As nurses prepped her to head into the operating room for a C-section, Julianne admitted, 鈥淚'm nervous, excited, lots of emotions. I'm looking forward to meeting my children for the first time.鈥

Julianne didn鈥檛 have to wait very long. At 10:22 AM, the听Kanters听welcomed their son, Connor Alan Kanter at 5 pounds, 9 ounces. One minute later, his sister, Emma Diane Kanter, arrived, weighing in at 4 pounds, 9 ounces.听

The Kanter twins became the first babies born at听NewYork-Presbyterian Alexandra Cohen Hospital for Women and Newborns, which nearly triples the space available for the care of pregnant women and newborns at听NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and will accommodate more than 7,000 births a year.听

鈥淚 felt really honored to be the first doctor to do the first delivery here,鈥 says Dr. Boester, who is also assistant professor of clinical .鈥It听was super exciting鈥攁nd unplanned. But we were ready, and it was an uncomplicated delivery.鈥澨

The same could be said for Julianne鈥檚 birthing experience. 鈥淚t was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be,鈥 she says. 鈥淭he staff was so helpful. They talked me through everything, which really helped me become more comfortable. I felt very well cared for.鈥

鈥淚t鈥檚 all very overwhelming,鈥 adds Jason. 鈥淏ut the whole delivery was such a comfortable situation. You鈥檙e able to get up and go and see the babies, hold the babies. This has been such an incredible experience.鈥澨

As Julianne looks over at her newborn twins, peacefully co-sleeping in the same bassinet, she couldn鈥檛 agree more: 鈥淲e鈥檙e so in love.鈥

鈥淗e Fit in the Palms of My Hands鈥

During her routine check-up in early March,听Quinaya听Coleman, then 28 weeks pregnant, was feeling great. But suddenly three days later, 鈥渕y feet swelled up, my face swelled up, my hands鈥攁nd it would not go down,鈥 says听Quinaya.听

She quickly sent a message to Faith听OkukweOkuesi, a nurse practitioner at听NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, who advised her to come to the hospital as soon as possible because swelling is a telltale sign of preeclampsia, a condition that results in high blood pressure during pregnancy or postpartum that can be fatal if left untreated.听

Quinaya听was admitted to the hospital with the expectation of staying for six weeks, in hopes to keep the baby in utero for as long as possible. Three days later, however, her baby鈥檚 heart rate dropped.听

鈥淚t was not going to be safe to keep him in,鈥 says听Quinaya. 鈥淭hat鈥檚 when it really hit me: This is serious.鈥

After an emergency C-section on March 21,听Quinaya听welcomed her son, Jamie, at 29 weeks. He weighed only 1 pound, 8 ounces. 鈥淗e was so tiny,鈥澨Quinaya听says. 鈥淗e fit into the palms of my hands.鈥

鈥淗e was smaller than expected for his gestational age so the primary concerns were his extremely low birth weight and his underdeveloped lungs,鈥 says Dr. Michael Espiritu, assistant attending pediatrician at听NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.

Jamie was intubated immediately and placed in an incubator under phototherapy lights. He was later put on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment, a noninvasive respiratory support given to neonatal patients who have trouble breathing, for two months so his lungs could develop and function on their own.听

鈥淛amie is a strong baby. He鈥檚 a fighter,鈥 says Dr. Espiritu, who is also an assistant professor of clinical pediatrics in the division of newborn medicine at 五月天视频. 鈥淗e鈥檚 gone through a lot of respiratory distress, but he has gotten over his needs for extra respiratory support. Now you鈥檇 never know that he had gone through any of this.鈥澨

With every development in Jamie鈥檚 treatment,听蚕耻颈苍补测补鈥檚NewYork-Presbyterian team was by her side. 鈥淭he staff would always have family meetings with me when something new came up so we could sit down and talk about it and I could ask questions,鈥 says听Quinaya, who recently earned an associate鈥檚 degree to become a medical assistant from the Swedish Institute College of Health Sciences. 鈥淭he staff made it a lot easier for me to understand what he needed and what needed to be done for him in order to come home.鈥澨

The team also helped听Quinaya听and听Jamie move across the street to the newly opened听NewYork-Presbyterian Alexandra Cohen Hospital for Women and Newborns, where听Quinaya听and James are now enjoying their own room while being cared for in the Level IV NICU center, a designation which marks the highest level of care for neonatal patients.听

On Aug. 2, Jamie was one of the first babies who moved to the new NICU unit at NYP Alexandra Cohen Hospital for Women and Newborns. Transported across the street via ambulance, 鈥淗e slept through the whole thing! No hiccups, no bumps, or anything. It's been a smooth transition for him.鈥

And an even better transition for Mom. With individual rooms available to all NICU babies and their families and amenities such as pull-out couches, linens, and showers, 鈥淚 can stay the night,鈥 says听Quinaya, who was commuting one hour each way to see her son every day. 鈥淚t鈥檚 easier for me to be able to sleep on a pull-out couch instead of trying to get a car service to go all the way home and then try to find my way back.鈥

Soon, both mom and son hope to make that journey home together. Now 4 1/2 months old, Jamie has been growing steadily and weighs a healthy 9 pounds. Still, 鈥渉e鈥檚 not taking all of his feeds consistently,鈥澨Quinaya听says. 鈥淪ome days he鈥檒l finish, some days he won鈥檛.鈥

To remedy that, Jamie is due to have surgery to insert a G tube, a device that will give听Quinaya听the ability to give her son supplemental feedings directly through his stomach. With a G tube in place,听Quinaya听will not only be able to closely monitor her son鈥檚 calorie intake; she will also finally be able to bring Jamie home where her mom, Arnette, will help care for him.

With all the emotional ups and downs of Jamie鈥檚 stay at the NICU,听Quinaya听admits that mentally 鈥渋t got really overwhelming,鈥 she says. 鈥淚t鈥檚 a whole different story being a NICU mom. This day he was getting this tube. This day it was an IV. It was so much. At first I felt really alone because I鈥檓 not the type to ask for help.鈥澨

Then听Quinaya听touched base with a hospital social worker who connected her with Dr. Georgina Hartzell, an infant psychiatry fellow at听NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center and instructor in psychiatry at 五月天视频. 鈥淚've been talking to her once a week ever since, and she鈥檚 been really helpful,鈥 says听Quinaya.

Along with the nurses, doctors, and Jamie鈥檚 entire care team,听Quinaya听says 鈥渋t鈥檚 been good to have that support鈥 over the past four months. And now as she prepares to bring her son home,听Quinaya听says, 鈥淥ur outlook is looking bright.鈥