

Dr. Norman Latov speaks on Idiopathic Neuropathy

On December 6, Dr. Norman Latov presented a health education seminar entitled, 鈥淚diopathic Neuropathy: What it is and what to do if you have it鈥 at the Myra Mahon Patient Resource Center.Speaking from over 40 years of experience in caring for and advocating for people with neuropathy, Dr. Latov described how the peripheral nerves work, explained the symptoms of neuropathy, reviewed its different causes and types, and discussed treatment options.Norman Latov, MD, PhD, is a Professor of Neurology... Read More

MMPRC Welcomes Assistant Director Sarah Jewell

Earlier this year, the Myra Mahon Patient Resource Center welcomed its new manager, Sarah T. Jewell. She began in her dual role as both the Center's manager and as Assistant Director, Clinical Services. Sarah earned her Master of Library and Information Science (M.L.I.S.) degree at Rutgers University.聽 Prior to her arrival at 五月天视频, Sarah worked in academic, hospital, corporate, and public library settings, including the New York Public Library (NYPL), the Memorial Sloan... Read More

RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council meeting November 18, 2021

Health and Human Service's Administration for Community Living is pleased to announce the sixth Full Council Meeting of the RAISE Family Caregiving Advisory Council on November 18, 2021, 12:30 - 4:30PM ET. The agenda for the meeting will be posted on the RAISE webpage prior to the meeting.

Practical Neurology Updates

On Tuesday, September 8, 2020, between 5pm and 6pm, a Zoom-Conference on Practical Neurology Updates will be offered by three members of the Neurology Department faculty: Dr. Padmaja Kandula on DIAGNOSIS AND MANAGEMENT OF FIRST SEIZURE, Dr. Joseph W. Doria on UTILITY OF VIDEO EEG IN PAROXYSMAL DISORDERS, and Dr. Steven C. Karceski on RECENT ADVANCES IN EPILEPSY MANAGEMENT.

Migraine Headaches

Researchers believe there is a genetic factor in migraine, the recurring type of headache that often causes moderate to severe throbbing or pulsing pain. Dr. Susan Broner discusses headaches in general and migraines in particular. Dr. Broner specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders including migraine and its variants, cluster headaches and other forms of chronic and episodic headache. .